An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear Mr. Trump,

On July 16, 2016, I wrote and posted an open letter to Hillary Clinton on my blog, Courageous Motherhood. To my surprise, it garnered a lot of attention—more than three million views and tens of thousands of social-media shares. The majority of the feedback was positive, although I did receive many hateful messages and emails, which I guess was to be expected.

One assumption made by my critics was that because I chose to point out some of Mrs. Clinton’s, shall I say, flaws, I must be fully steaming ahead on the Trump train. It was surprising to me how many people made this assumption, as I never once mentioned you in my post, nor did I compare you to Mrs. Clinton in any way. For all anyone knew, I could have been voting for Santa Claus.

But people demanded that I play fair and write to you also.

I am not one to cave to pressure. So I refused. My intent with my letter to Hillary  was not to compare her and you as candidates; it was to show my daughter that anything is possible for a woman in this country but that emulating Hillary was not the way to go about pursuing her goals.

However, as election day draws closer and what faces us as a nation becomes more of a reality, I now feel compelled to address you also.

I must admit that when you first announced your intention to run for president, I rolled my eyes, laughed it off, and said to myself, That’ll never happen—but I couldn’t have been more wrong! I will confess, Mr. Trump, that you were not my first choice. The thought of having a thrice-married, casino-owning reality star and billionaire businessman as president was almost a little too much for my motherly Christian mind to handle. I was, and at times still am, very conflicted.

Christians in America, me included, are faced with a very difficult decision and somewhat of a dilemma come this November. You see, I can envision what a Hillary presidency would look like, and boy, would it be ugly. Integrity aside, just her liberal agenda and what she stands for politically make her an impossible option for me. A Trump presidency, on the other hand, is an unknown. That to me is scary.

Some have made the commitment not to vote, because they feel that you don’t align well with a biblical worldview. I, however, think that to forgo our opportunity to vote is disrespectful to the freedoms that we as Americans have been given. It has also been suggested that a third-party vote is an option. To me that’s a copout.

Many Christians are confused about the role of the president in our society. I am not looking to elect a man of God for president, although that would be refreshing! Neither am I looking for a pastor. I believe it is the church’s job to change and influence the spiritual and social climate of our nation, not the president’s. I am looking for a president who will give us solutions for our national debt, our open borders, our failing schools, and our healthcare system. My desire is that my children grow up in a safe, prosperous, and strong country. We need a president who will recover the freedoms and liberties that have been systematically stolen from the American people over the last decade; a president who will once again make the United States a leader on the world stage instead of a joke.

I hope you can understand why this election cycle has been a struggle for me and, I know, for many others.

Honestly, Mr. Trump, I want to support you! Some days you impress me with your composure and common sense. It is refreshing to hear a non-politician say the things that so many of us want to say but don’t. You do speak for the people in so many ways.

Unfortunately, though, some days I get up and read the cringe-worthy social-media bickering you’ve engaged in, and I find myself at a loss. It is not necessary for you to talk about Bill Clinton’s mistresses or refer to Miss Universe contestants as disgusting. There may be truth to some of these things, but they are a distraction. Discussing them does not garner respect, and it is certainly not presidential. You see, Mr. Trump, this election is not just about you! It’s about me, my husband, my children, and millions of other Americans who are looking and praying for a leader who will bring some semblance of order to a nation that is spiraling out of control.

We are facing one of the most pivotal times on our nation’s history. This election is about the enduring freedom of the United States of America. This is so much bigger than petty Twitter arguments and ridiculous banter. Your time needs to be spent listening to those who so desperately want America to be, for lack of a better word, great again!

Please, for the sake of the people, me included, who are planning to put a check next to your name on November 8, stop! Please, put your pride aside, and stop taking the bait of the liberal left to engage in things that don’t matter.

You have millions of Americans counting on you to show the rest of our citizens that you are not a joke, that you can be taken seriously, and that our votes for you will not be wasted. Please show us and your naysayers that you will make a good, strong, levelheaded, and serious president.

May God have mercy on and bless this beautiful nation—the United States of America.

55 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Donald Trump

    • Great letter and well said. I feel your desperation to make this man worthy of being President. But, in reality this is never going to happen as this man is certainly not going to do a 180 and change.
      This is who is he and who is going to be.


  1. Pingback: An Open Letter to Donald Trump — | charzorg

  2. When someone shows you who they are and you refuse to believe them, it says more about you than it does them. Donald Trump has always behaved this way. And for you to think he can, or will, stop now….5 weeks before election day….you are showing just how misguided you really are.


  3. I just got your letter via a friend’s post and felt compelled to say to you that I’ve become disheartened by the vitriol aimed at Mrs. Clinton by Christians, especially those of us who call ourselves evangelical conservatives. I’ve been a Christ follower for 35 years and in conservative Baptist or Bible churches all those years.

    Consider this: our country is more divided than at any time I can remember. I’m 67. I lived through the deaths of JFK, MLK, RFK, and the race riots in the 1970’s, Viet Nam, the Iran hostage situation, several devastating financial crashes, job losses, and so on. We should be coming together as fellow suffers and survivors, yet we vote and devour one another.

    As Christians we should be showing the love of Christ toward those with whom we disagree. I ask you, friend, if you were the most famous woman in the United States and your husband cheated on you in front of billions of people, how would you respond? I for one would be furious with him and angry at the women involved, who all knew he was married. To judge and criticize her for her response to such a personal thing is out of bounds. Criticize her for her policies, not for the personal things. You can’t possibly know if the rumors are true about how she treated the women involved with Bill.

    We’ve heard a lot about the email thing and even the poor man who’s had the onerous responsibility of investigating the server issues begged the press and Republicans to stop being so hateful about it. He said no criminal acts occurred, and that if Mrs. Clinton’s staff would have suffered serious consequences, but there’s no reason to indict anyone.

    Yet we hear that she should be prosecuted and locked up over it and Bengazi. But the fact is that even the Republicans in the senate who questioned her for 11 hours could find no wrongdoing on her part. Mistakes were made, but she’s NOT responsible for the deaths of Americans in that situation. Even the movie doesn’t imply that she was. Yet Christians and others constantly repeat this hateful mantra.

    Disagree with her ideas if you will, but for he love of all that’s holy, for your daughter’s future, tone down the hate. Show some dignity. Research your ideas of Mrs. Clinton’s alleged wrongs and ask yourself what Jesus would have you do.

    As for abortion, the rates of abortion are going down because the church has done a great job of making young people aware that a pregnancy is a baby. Nothing has changed about the government in the meantime. The church has made the difference. My family had to make a hard decision about a pregnancy and I’m glad abortion was available to help someone in my family who had been raped at a very very young age.

    I’m not voting for Donald Trump because I consider him unfit for the presidency. His actions have confirmed my opinion. I agree with conservative principles and have lived my life in defense of my faith, but the idea of handing this country over to such a man makes me shudder. When solid Republicans we’ve both trusted refuse to vote for this horrible man, how can you, who doesn’t know him as well as they do?

    I’m also old enough to have known many WWII veterans and have read history all my life. Adolph Hitler came to power because Germany was in a mood such as the one we find ourselves in at this moment in history (Read Hitler: Dumkauf to Demagogue for perspective on this). Donald Trump shares personality traits with Hitler (re his most recent twitter storm regarding Miss Universe and is unwillingness to let go of perceived sights). Do you really want to look back 20 years from now and realize you helped bring such a man to power?

    You apparently have a large audience. I beg you to pray about your open letter to Hillary Clinton and the influence you have in women who are undecided about who they’ll vote for.


  4. You write very well, but not persuasively. I find that I disagree with both of your letters to our presidential candidates. Most likely I’m at least as rational and reflective as you, and have spent a lifetime plumbing the depths of my faith rooted in Scripture, and I have come to very different conclusions. Encountering Hillary at church functions and watching mean-spirited people malign her and twist stories about for over 25 years has brought me to a different opinion. Your daughter will be just fine with Hillary as our next President.


  5. Great job on both letters, Helen! Thank you for being so brave and so well spoken concerning the truth. I love and miss you!


  6. Wow, your ability to hold Hillary to standards of perfection, while forgiving Trump for everything is amazing! I know, you don’t want to hear it, but you should. Trump is racist, sexist and a liar. And yes, I know all politicians lie, but Trump can’t open his mouth without lying. He lies about things that are easy enough to check. But he gets a free pass. You just wish he was a little more tactful, right? That’s Trump’s only problem he just needs a few etiquette lessons and he’s good to go!

    But, hey, free country… vote for him. Tell your daughters that it’s a good thing that he calls women fat pigs. Explain to them that Hillary is a liar, but… well, what do you consider Donald Trump’s lies? (And he has a lot of them) silly actions of a scamp? Show them that in order to get anywhere in this world, they must be 100% perfect. No mistakes allowed. Only men can make mistakes… no, that’s not true either. If Obama had told half the lies Trump has told he wouldn’t have made it to his first term, never mind his second. So, let’s clarify, only white guys are allowed to make mistakes.

    By all means, vote for a man who wants to bring back stop and frisk, even though it was declared unconstitutional. I hope your daughters don’t have any friends who aren’t white, it might be hard for them to watch their non white friends being singled out like that. But you don’t care, right? You must not, because you’re voting for Trump.

    Vote for a man who started his campaign saying how he was going to help the working man, and now says minimum wage is too high and wants to give tax breaks to the rich, while spending more more more! New roads, new veterans centers! New everything! Who’s going to pay for that? Not Trump. Trump can’t even pay taxes now, he’s not going to pay them in office. Trump says that makes him smart. Boy, I hope you and the rest of us are “smart” enough to… oh, never mind, we have to pay for all these new and nifty things Trump wants. Because the rich aren’t going to pay a dime. Just the working class people. So, I hope you’re independently wealthy, because then, yeah, voting for Trump is a good thing for you.

    Oh, and be sure to explain to your daughters that a man who has been married three times, and cheated on the old wife with the new wife every time is a good role model. Be sure they know that his morally upstanding third wife did lesbian porn. Make sure they understand those are fine. Those are good Christian values for them to emulate. Hey, Trump blamed Hillary for Bill cheating, maybe you can teach your daughters that if a man cheats on his wife, it’s his wife’s fault! I’m sure they want that life lesson.

    Oh, and one last thing… you have spoken before about how offended you are by bad language. You know that Trump has called women that special word that begins with a C, right? But, maybe those are affectionate nicknames? You who are horrified at bad language is giving this man a free pass. All he has to do is be a little… less abrasive and he’ll be an awesome president.

    You love to preach your gospel to everyone, you love to hold yourself up as a fine example of Christianity. And I get that we forgive sins. But Trump isn’t one bit sorry for anything he’s done. And you don’t care. Well, if Hillary was doing half the things Trump was doing, calling men names that start with P, and C. Calling Trump a “Fat pig” or threatening people’s civil liberties? She wouldn’t get my vote. But Trump gets a pass on everything.

    You say God have mercy on the USA? I say God have Mercy on your soul and the souls of your daughters, because you want them to admire and respect a man who constantly has joked about sleeping with his daughter. You want them to look up to a man who openly admits that he hires women on the basis of how “hot” they are. I hope you’re saving up for breast augmentation and lifetime gym memberships for your daughters, because they will need it in Trump’s world.


  7. Only Gods Kingdom can solve all the humans problem . Jeremiah 10:23 states ” I will know , O Jehovah God, that’s mans way does not belong to him. It was not belong to a man who is walking even to direct step. ” We need a government who can not be ruin as Daniel 2:44 said


  8. Yes…we WANT to be able to support Trump- but we just CAN’T. We keep hoping he will STOP his ridiculous comments and his unprofessional “I know you are, but what am I?” schoolyard-bully type attacks….but he just DOESN’T.
    So….I am not going to pretend he is somehow going to manage to govern differently than he has behaved all his life, and vote for him anyway.
    Reality is showing me I cannot responsibly vote for either of the main candidates, so I am voting my conscience and voting third party.

    Liked by 3 people

    • You will just be giving your vote to Hillery. If you want a better chance of having what we all want , you need to not cop out but vote for Trump. We can not have another Onama Hillery again. We will be dead in the water if that happens. Please reconsider voting for Trump. Every vote counts!


    • I hope you remember that a vote for the third party is a vote probably taken away from Trump and therefore possibly putting Hillary into office. Also remember that there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court and possibly another very
      soon that the next president will fill. I do respect your right to vote who you wish, but I sure would not like to see Hillary make those choices to keep the country going farther left than Obama has moved it.
      God bless you in your choice.


      • The “wasted vote” argument is often made, but doesn’t hold water. Why is a third party vote automatically one for Hillary? A Hillary supporter could make the same argument to a #neverhillary person that you are making – in other words “If you don’t vote for Hillary you’re basically voting for Trump.”

        It can’t go both ways. How can a 3rd party vote be a vote for both Hillary and Trump at the same time? Because it isn’t. A 3rd party vote is for a 3rd party candidate. Period.


    • Alison, what’s Trump did or said is a small portion of what Hillary did and said. what he did doesn’t interfere in the economy that is really bad , or his behavior will create more war, all the war in the middle east it is Hillary creation she has a lot of bad influence on the puppet congressmen and the president in the white house.
      Now it not the time to look what he said to women long time ago, it is time to look forward for butter economy, no war, more jobs, no immigrants, Obama he want to let 5 millions Muslims immigrants to inter united state before the end of this year. 10 yrs later they will fight for Sharia law . like what is going in Europe and Australia, they asking for Islamic sharia law, our daughter will be raped, killed, convert to Islam covered from head to toes, we should be wiser not emotional for what he said eleven yrs ago for the benefit of our country and butter future for our children, what is happening in America unbelievable corruptions democratic are cheating with votes, what that’s tells you they are desperate to win to finish their plan in the middle east, they ruin middle east , Hillary and Obama signed contract with Muslims countries to take the refugees, that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the biggest donors for Hillary, if you notice none of Muslims countries take any refugees, all the Muslims refugees went to Europe and America to Islamize the west, because their prophet said the whole earth for Mohammad witin 20years the Muslims will be the majority. and will take over the country, that was happen to middle East when the Islam came from the desert of Saudi Arabia occupied the middle east by sword and become the majority by multiplication, with Hillary and Obama the Islamization of the country in the way.


      • Wow. Outrageous comments with little basis in fact. You are the Ugly American ( I assume) that may be the greatest threat to our country, as you are ready to grasp at straws offered by those who truly plan to subvert our constitutional democracy. This country has always been a work in progress, and I am sorry that it is not staying fixed in time for your personal comfort, or that no one asked for your permission for it to grow and pursue the American ideal that all men (people) are created equal.


    • …Except Trump has never “governed”. I think we can expect him to “govern” differently than he has behaved in the past. The important thing to remember is what is important… our borders, our safety, our freedoms, our healthcare, our debt load, etc.


      • Do really want Killary for our President?? The other two that are running are all dinbats. This all happened to him 10 years ago. Let’s start talking about all the issues that are to be talked about. Do you have blinders on and don’t realize that men talk like that when they are together. Please vote for Mr. Trump and he will make America Great Again.


  9. You’re a Christian? My ass. No true Christian would vote for a vile, xenophobic, homophobic, womanizing, hateful sleezeball like Trump. You may as well be voting for Hitler himself.


  10. How do Conservative Christians vote when being Conservative becomes at-odds with being Christian?

    Donald Trump claims to be a Christian, sure, but does he have Christian values?

    I did a quick web search on Christian values to clarify what they were. I found:

    “Worldly values include wealth, power, pleasure, revenge, fame, vanity and status. These are the most important things to people who perceive no power or purpose beyond themselves. Worldly values promote jealousies, resentments and conflicts among people in accordance with the purposes of Satan (John 8:44, Acts 5:3, Romans 16:17-20, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:1-3, 4:25-32, 2 Timothy 2:22-26, 1 John 3:8-10).

    “The values taught in the Bible are often the opposite of worldly values: kindness and respect for all people instead of power; humility instead of status; honesty and generosity instead of wealth; self-control instead of self-indulgence; forgiveness instead of revenge. Christian values promote peace and good will among people in accordance with the purposes of God. We will never achieve perfection in this life, but those people who strive to obey God often find a sense of joy and peace that no worldly rewards can match!”

    According to this, it sounds like Donald Trump has Worldly Values, not Christian Values.

    Hillary Clinton is, of course, a “liberal”. A quick search of her values turned up this quote from a friend of hers: “We once asked Ann Lewis, Hillary Clinton’s friend and adviser, to describe Clinton’s political philosophy. She pointed to the words of John Wesley: “Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.” By that, Lewis sought to explain Clinton’s devotion to issues like health care, children’s well-being, and education. In New Hampshire that John Wesley credo defined her entire candidacy. She would wrest every opportunity out of every minute of every day until the polls had closed and she could no longer affect the outcome.”

    On one hand, you have a man who is a Conservative that values making (and keeping) money, fame and power above all else. On the other hand you have a liberal Christian who honestly values helping people.

    This election, a person can either vote for a Conservative candidate or a Christian candidate. There is no Conservative Christian candidate. So… which is more important to people? Being Conservative or being Christian?


  11. Both letters were very good and pressed the importance of the coming election and our freedoms we hold today. Our candidates need to be talking policy and law and order, education, jobs, immigration and more instead of dirt. Unfortunately that is typical politics, HRC knows that and since the first debate she has played Trump like a fiddle with distractions and he’s played into it and she’s happy. Donald needs to get back on track and let his team take care of the HRC gnats.


  12. I didn’t comment on your open letter to Hillary. But I’m going to say that I agree with you %100 on it. She’s the LAST person we need in office right now. And yet I too, am conflicted when it comes to Trump. Speaking on a personal basis, I don’t LIKE Donald Trump. I’ve lived my entire life, having to deal with people who have the “bully” mentality, and that’s exactly what Trump reminds me of. Again – that’s just a personal thing for me. I won’t try and explain my personal feelings as they are because, as it’s being consistently pointed out; this presidency is SOOO much bigger than that. I would LOVE to vote 3rd party – But there’s not enough light focused on them this late in the game to where any significant vote will put them into Office. So, That brings me back to either the Bully with no experience in politics, whose campaign has had more to do, in MY opinion; with what the other countries are doing, (Mexico and China seem to be two of the main ones that I’ve been seeing lately) than what he’s ACTUALLY going to do to back his promise in making this Country “Great” again.. Or, the former Sec. of State who’s had reports tying her with dealings linked with terrorist organizations, an FBI investigation regarding email on an unsecured server, and a constant reputation of being ANYTHING but constant with her word or anything that she says.. We make no mistake in saying that this particular election will forever shape, and dictate the future of not only ourselves, but our children, and our children’s children. Our decision next month will be no small choice. Nor will it be an easy choice. But it will definitely be OUR choice, and we have to sit down and ask ourselves the biggest question of all.. Are we going to be making the RIGHT choice? Unfortunately, I would not be able to vote this year, due to the fact that I am not currently registered with the state in which I am currently in residence; and due to my particular situation, I will not be able to change that until tax season. But, if I were given the opportunity to vote, believe me; I would. I believe, that every vote counts. That every vote matters. And that everyone should get a say as to whom they feel should take the white house.

    I believe you hit the nail on the head with your letter, and I pray that Trump reads it, and takes every word seriously, and holds everything you say, into account when it comes to his campaign. Thank you, for writing it! It was much needed to be spoken, as it was needed to be read.


  13. I support Mr Trump 100%. from the very beginning! He is a very successful businessman who negotiates deals on a daily basis and does so professionally and successfully. I have never had a problem with his antics as he deals with the naysayers and critics in the same way that they treat him! He is all about fairness. He expects it of evryone! A lot of us have forgotten the meaning. He may be abrasive at time but whats good for the goose is good for the gander


  14. I agree with you on every point except the part where you say voting third party is a cop out. I know you and I can agree that both candidates are petty and selfish. But I cannot, in good conscience, cast my vote for either of these candidates. Hillary is dangerously corrupt, her policies are terrible, and I wouldn’t trust her to govern a patch of grass. Trump’s policies are okay (except his disastrous tariff proposals), but he’s a bully and childish, and I fear he is so desperate for universal adoration, he may eventually demand it at gunpoint. (Metaphorically speaking, I hope.)

    Voting third party isn’t a cop out. It’s playing a longer game. God willing, these two corrupt parties will soon be dissolved and a new party will emerge, one dedicated to individual liberty, justice, and limited government, where people run for office to serve the people, not for self-aggrandizement.


  15. He needs to act as if this was a billion dollar business and behave like a great man that he is and not feed the fire from this villain. We need him to save this country which we love. I understand when you are lied about and distorted stories hit the NYT and come out of her mouth. She is a lawyer and is playing the act. It is up to her to prove you guilty. Stay strong for us. Its a business debate not a circus. Act like a good President of The United Stats of America not like HRC and you have it made.


  16. I have posted many posts on Facebook regarding Hillary making the same statements,

    I pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and I can pray in tongue, wherein I feel closer to God when praying in tongue (most people don’t understand that having this ability means you have been blessed by the holy spirit), Hillary has no regard whatsoever for the Sanctity of Life, or the strife and division the Obama administration has caused. I watch her mannerisms closely as she speaks and can see the disdain she has for America(ns).

    She speaks to people as if they are beneath her. We cannot endure her as president because she believes in everything that is against the majority of Christians in this country. And she will do all in her power to gain power over the people. She is a member of Illuminatti and The Bilderberg Group (both NWO groups). I pray that God will protect those who believe in him and keep Satan’s followers out of positions of power.

    God Bless you for your thoughts.


  17. Good Lord. How delusional are you? The guy’s about as Christian as Mohandas Ghandi- wait, no- Ghandi was FAR more exemplary of Christian Values then Trump will ever be, and he was Hindu! Trump is a failed businessman, a serial adulterer, a con man, a liar and a fraud. Put down the Kool-Aid…


  18. Like Alison above, I will be voting third party or writing in, and it distresses me that you characterized this as a copout. In fact, most of those who do NOT vote Republican or Democrat have done quite a bit of soul-searching and deliberating and praying before casting their alternative vote. Please respect the right of other Americans (and Christians) to vote without disparaging them, even if they don’t arrive at the same decision you do. Our vote is ours; we do not “owe” it to any political party, nor should we be insulted or persecuted if we don’t vote mainstream.

    It also struck me that you played hard ball with Hillary (awesome post, by the way!) but softball with Trump. You call his vile comments about women “a distraction.” On Facebook, the word you used for his hateful, sexist and racist Twitter tirades was “nonsense.” How can you excoriate Mrs. Clinton for being bad news for girls (which she is) and let Trump off the hook with such weak words? He is thrice-married, an adulterer (who brags about it), and appeared in a soft porn video in 2000. He is quoted as saying about women “you gotta treat ’em like s**t.” Trump has also defended his wife’s pornographic photo shoots, calling them art. This is a man you said on FB that you are supporting. This is a man you can feel comfortable with representing our nation? What’s the message your daughters will take away from that?

    And yes, I know that people can change and God forgives. But Donald isn’t changing, and he publicly stated he needs no forgiveness. Furthermore, were Christians as tolerant of Bill Clinton as they are now of Trump? No. To this day, they still bring up his sexual exploits and sins. Oh wait, and Donald Trump is joining in! That’s the pot calling the kettle black.

    Add to all this Trump’s troubling statements on foreign policy, immigration, health care, taxes and abortion. It’s a huge snowball of trouble. But hey, at least it’s not Hillary, right?

    Now before you say that nobody is perfect, and we aren’t choosing a minister to lead our nation, I agree! But the thing is, Christians at least ought to have some minimum standard when it comes to a candidate for the presidency of the most powerful nation in the world. Trump doesn’t even come CLOSE to meeting any kind of standard, no matter how low we set the bar. In fact, he continues to treat us to newer and lower depths of stupidity and moral degradation on a daily basis. Our president doesn’t have to be a saint; in fact, there’s nothing that says he actually has to be a Christian to be a good and effective president. But if Christians will vote for an out-of-control train wreck like Donald Trump then who will we NOT vote for? I mean, how bad can they get, that we will keep “holding our noses” and sanctimoniously telling ourselves “Well, at least I’m not voting for a liberal.”

    The most tragic thing about the Trump candidacy is that he doesn’t care about the concerns of Christians. He (and the GOP) have merely payed lip service to the conservative base because they want votes. Their main selling point is simply that Donald isn’t as bad as Hillary. Wow, what a great new standard we have set for our Republican candidates!

    I encourage you to prayerfully read this “Evangelical Case Against Donald Trump.” Think about the future, and what support for the Donald and all he represents means for the party (and conservative values) going forward!



  19. Trump is a gladiator, swing at him he swings back. Many find that egotistical, I call it defending himself like an Elk surrounded by wolves. Hillary has spouted lies, misdirection from her corruption re: his taxes, which is a nonissue, she has done the same herself, the phony Miss Universe claims. So I ask myself why would a Billionaire, having built a life of connections, and influence throw all of that away? He never had to do this, put himself out there to be ridiculed, mocked, lied about, hated by both parties, mistrusted by folks like you all.

    I believe he did this because he is just as scared as the rest of us about the ongoing destruction, and dismantling, of this great nation by corrupt self serving politicians, and foreign entities, he looked around for who would step forward that could actually stop the march to oblivion and there was no one strong enough to do it other than himself. Americans have become so accustomed to the watered down metrosexual male, that a hard charging man scares them. Is Trump a smooth, polished operator, no.
    What you see is what you get with Trump, a man who to this day has never touted his kindness, backed up with his wallet, not his ego, to complete strangers. I see the kindest of cores in him, right down to his marrow. If taking legal tax breaks is the only trumped up charge Hillary can level against him, and believe me they have turned over every rock to find something, anything to expose him to ridicule, then that speaks volumes to me about his character. That is why I intend to vote for him. If anyone can Trump can.


  20. Donald Trump has now been revealed as a philanderer and an abuser of women, claiming that it’s fine to grab them by their pussy if, indeed, the grabber is famous. At this point, voting for this man as a Christian is a complete and utter violation of everything Jesus Christ ever stood for. He is a rapist and a sexual abuser. If you are intellectually honest, you will not vote for Donald Trump. If you are a politically motivated liar, and willing to disregard Christ’s teachings, you go ahead and put that check next to Donal Trump’s name. But know that,i f you do that, you are abandoning everything the Bible stands for.


  21. I’m an extremely independent woman and was a single parent for quite some time. Not that it’s okay but what Trump said women are used to the stupid Locker room boy comments, they are despicable and inexcusable however I have 3 daughters and I would rather they vote for Trump that speaks that way then stand behind a woman that clearly accepts that it’s ok to be treated that way by staying with her rapist adultery husband and then goes after the victims of her husband. Hillary Clinton goes against everything I try to teach my girls. On top of it we spend a great deal of time responding to what Donald Trump says when we should be responding to what Hillary Clinton does


    • 💙 it that someone actually can see through HRC. She is more than evil. If I had a daughter, I would not want her to be a role model for her. Never Hillary


    • Angela, they aren’t just “stupid locker room boy comments.” Trump is a grown man and has shown time and time again that he does not respect women. He said to a friend “Women, you gotta treat em like s**t.” You just cannot whitewash that attitude. He also has no respect for marriage, and has NO pro life record to present to the voters. All we have are his words. And even those we cannot take at face vale, because Trump plays fast and loose with the truth. He will often repudiate outright something he clearly said just 24 hours ago.

      I agree with you about the media. Both candidates should be vetted fairly and equally. They are clearly soft on Mrs. Clinton, and have even gone so far as to do damage control and cover-up for her. This is unacceptable, but I think American voters are more wise to their tactics these days.

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  22. I am wondering now, if you are still able to look at Mr. Trump the same way. To tell your daughter that the man you had planned (or maybe still are planning to) vote for, boasted to essentially a stranger – for entertainment purposes – the fact that he could grab a woman or kiss her without asking… just because of his celebrity. (And I realize by the time I commented here, he has “apologized” with the help of his PR team… after releasing a statement hours earlier that stated this was “locker room banter”.)I I pray your daughter, as well as every other daughter in this nation, would be able to go to school and not be mocked as I was… simply for being a girl.

    I’m no fan of Hillary either, so I’m still at a loss. Gary Johnson, though he will never be elected, seems like the only sane choice. Because I can’t bring myself to vote for either of the major party candidates. My heart hurts for our nation.

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  23. America needs Trump/Pence to save our country from the lying, cheating, traitorous administration that will continue if Killary is elected. I don’t care what he does in his personal life. What he can do to make our country free and proud to be an American again is what he promised and I DO BELIEVE HIM. Trump/Pence all the way!


  24. You’ve judged that Ms. Clinton has to “lie, cheat, abuse, insult, bully and ignore” but without any substantiation. Now you provide a nice note to Mr. Trump giving him every benefit of the doubt. Has it occurred to you that each of those verbs above apply exactly to Mr. Trump and that we have ample evidence of each? He has lied about his support for the Iraq War, he has cheated on his wives, he has abused women, he has insulted Gold Star families, he has bullied and ignored hard-working small-business contractors whom he owes money. And that’s just off the top of my head. I challenge you, now, to support each of those accusations you made against Ms. Clinton. That would be courageous. Otherwise, it’s just hypocrisy.


  25. Of all the great people we had to choose from how did we end up with these two? So what now, I’m not sure ! I do know whatever the outcome only God can help us. We need to get on our knees and earnestly pray everyday for God’s guidance for us and definitely for whomever is elected. God help and bless the USA


  26. As an undecided Catholic voter, neither this letter, nor the open letter to Hillary Clinton did anything for me. Actually, I thought it was a lazy attack to argue in your previous letter that Hillary was worse for women than Trump–there is no mention of HIS repugnant behavior in regard to women. Not mentioning is complete lack of self-control and political experience is a DANGEROUS oversight as well. But in the end, what does it matter? We’ll all be paying more taxes and in more danger than ever before in the coming years because we’re watching the fall of Rome. All you can do is pray.


  27. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, though I do disagree with you on one point. I really do not believe that voting third party is a cop out. Of course no candidate is perfect, but I believe that there are enough people in this country who truly do feel that neither major party candidate is their choice as the leader for our country, but EVERYONE is afraid that “splitting the vote” will ensure disaster. I urge everyone to really investigate ALL of the candidates and their positions, and thoughtfully and prayerfully vote as their heart leads them. I also believe that your local and state races are just as important if not more so than the presidential race. Please everyone, VOTE and make YOUR voice heard.

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  28. Hi Marcy,
    I admire your convictions and beliefs that 3rd party candidates could make a difference. The difference the third party candidates will make in the outcome of this election will be historical to say the least. HRC brutalized Bernie and would have others if needed.

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  29. I am 57 years old. Like many of you I’m sure you will agree that the political division in our country is undeniably the worst it has ever been. Our choice of presidental candidates is not much better. Both candidates have made some horrible decisions and acted terrible about a miriade of things. So when it comes to choosing WHO to vote for I’ve decided I’m not going to choose a person. I have some very strong feelings on what is important to me.
    I am pro life
    I feel our borders are very insecure
    I don’t believe we should allow people to come into our nation who have not been extensively checked out to insure citizens utmost protection.
    I disagree with common core being forced on our children.
    I hate Obamacare.
    I want to see a strong military.
    These are some of the things that are important to me as a voter and a citizen of this great Nation.
    I’m voting for these things. I am trusting that the man that says he will do these things will.
    God bless this election, please and I pray that His will be done.


  30. I disagree with the statement that a third party candidate is a “copout.” We CAN make a change and we CAN make a difference by voting for someone who is qualified to be the president and does not bring the baggage of illegal activities, immoral activities, narcissistic demeanor, incompetency, and inappropriate personality. Despite the media mainly giving attention to the Republic and Democratic parties, there are other options.

    We need a president who will work towards peace and the improvement of all American lives, not a president who seeks to demean, divide, diminish, and conquer. We need a president who will ensure our religious freedoms, our personal freedoms, and the pursuit of liberty and happiness.

    I have often heard people say “I won’t vote for Evan McMullin” because he is a third party candidate and he cannot win.” He CAN win if people vote for him. Be brave people. We cannot make a change for the better if we are not brave enough. Please consider all your options.


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